Šolta, Grohote - autohtona kamena kuća za renovaciju

ID Kod4421


Grohote, Šolta
Za prodaju
Vrsta nekretnine:
Ukupan broj soba:
Spavaće sobe:
Ukupno katova:
75 m2



Autohtona, dalmatinska kamena kuća se nalazi na otoku Šolti, mjesto Grohote.
Grohote su oduvijek najveće i najstarije otočko mjesto Šolte. Do danas, baš kao i u stara vremena, čine srce otoka. Ovdje je smještena gradska uprava, policija, škola, samoposluge, kafići, tržnice, mesnica, ljekarna, trgovina građevinskog materijala i ambulanta na otoku. Ima prekrasnu staru seosku jezgru s autentičnim kamenim kućama i malim popločanim uličicama, po kojima rado hodate i koje do danas određuju cjelokupnu sliku i idilu ovog prekrasnog otočkog mjesta.
Otok Šolta smjestio se nadomak Splitu, svega devet nautičkih milja i sa sedam veza dnevno u sezoni postao je praktički produžena ruka Splita.


Kuća sa okućnicom nalazi se na vrlo mirnoj lokaciji u staroj jezgri sela Grohote. Sve obližnje trgovine i kafići su vrlo blizu na par minuta hoda. Grohote, smještene usred prekrasnog otoka Šolte, odlično je mjesto za početak otkrivanja otoka biciklom ili automobilom. More s prekrasnim šljunčanim plažama udaljeno je samo 1200 m. Do mjesta Rogača i trajektne luke, koja povezuje otok sa Splitom, može se doći za 3 minute autom.

Ova prekrasna autentična kamena kuća se proteže na 2 etaže od cca 30 m2 i sastoji se od više pomoćnih objekata i unutarnjeg kamenog dvorišta koje povezuje sve ove jedinice.
Prizemlje je renovirano, stavljene su nove instalacije struje i vode, stavljeni PVC zatvori te su postavljene nove unutarnje drvene stepenice za pristup gornjem katu.
Ostali prostori zahtijevaju kompletnu renovaciju, a do same nekretnine se može pristupiti automobilom.
Ukoliko ste ljubitelji tradicionalnih kamenih dalmatinski kuća, ova nekretnina je idealna za Vas.

Agencijska provizija se obračunava u skladu s Općim uvjetima poslovanja i cjeniku objavljenima na https://angelusnekretnine.hr/o-nama.
Za više informacija obratite se našem agentu na 091/466-1500.
Vaše Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.

An autochthonous, Dalmatian stone house is located on the island of Šolta, in the village of Grohote.
Grohote has always been the largest and oldest island town of Šolta. To this day, just like in the old days, they form the heart of the island. The city administration, police, school, supermarkets, cafes, markets, butcher's shop, pharmacy, construction material store and the infirmary on the island are located here. It has a beautiful old village center with authentic stone houses and small cobbled streets, which you enjoy walking along and which to this day determine the overall image and idyll of this beautiful island place.
The island of Šolta is located close to Split, only nine nautical miles and with seven daily connections in the season, it has practically become an extended arm of Split.


The house with a garden is located in a very quiet location in the old center of the village of Grohote. All nearby shops and cafes are very close, a few minutes' walk away. Grohote, located in the middle of the beautiful island of Šolta, is a great place to start discovering the island by bike or car. The sea with beautiful pebble beaches is only 1200 m away. The town of Rogača and the ferry port, which connects the island with Split, can be reached in 3 minutes by car.

This beautiful authentic stone house extends over 2 floors of approx. 30 m2 and consists of several auxiliary buildings and an internal stone courtyard that connects all these units.
The ground floor was renovated, new electricity and water installations were installed, PVC shutters were installed, and new internal wooden stairs were installed for access to the upper floor.
Other spaces require complete renovation, and the property itself can be accessed by car.
If you are a fan of traditional Dalmatian stone houses, this property is ideal for you.

The agency commission is calculated in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions and the price list published at https://angelusnekretnine.hr/o-nama.
For more information, contact our agent at 091/466-1500.
Your Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.


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